stamp production
offset printing
digital printing
The specialist for private mail services
first day cards
decoration cards
stamp booklets
content management systems
individual stamps
onlineshop programming
cutom-made products
Postado has been established in Berlin since 2005 for providing services across stamps, marketing and structuring advice - that is, as a comprehensive provider of postal services. As a specialist and longtime leader, we have a very good market overview and thus know what our customers - the private mail services - want exactly. Postado is the partner of many mail services from their very first beginning. Postado has accompanied their emergence and growth and proven to be a trustworthy partner. Postado is the first choice when it comes to any requirement or service for the private mail services.
What are stamps still for?
Letter service is a business dealing with cents. Stamps give the postal service provider the possibility of further sales potential. They are a marketing tool to be known in the private market, business customers are after work private persons. Our clients are highly successful mail services with a broad positioning in the consumer market. Stamps alone or with additional products such as binders, first-day-cards, donations and sponsoring brands are successful and proven marketing tools. A mailing with glued brands stands out immediately from the masses (and trash) circulars. Stamps are a hit and we all know them and grew up with them. You should not miss the marketing effect and the value of stamps and their accessories.
Why Postado?
First of all the production of stamps simple isn´t magic for a print specialist. However, Postado is ahead all competitors with great experience and specialized machinery and product-specific materials. Even the disposal of maculation is a challenging task. Our long-term employees know exactly what is important in the production of stamps, and customers can feel safe. Postado never just prints anything, but always has an eye on the entire production chain. What's worth the most beautiful stamp when they can not be validated or cause any disturbances in automated sorting? With existing customers, many attempts have been implemented for different applications, with these experiences all mail service providers will benefit with the production at Postado - who serves at least most of the postal services in Germany. Postado is the manufacturer of stamps in small and large runs.
Postado´s customer benefit.
Through close personal contact with the postal services manager Mrs. Martina Brakemeier learns from their successes and needs. Why Ms. Rümenapp not only cares about stamp printing, but also about marketing, consulting, and other issues, has many reasons: it´s not up to date to set up in a successful and cozy niche. By the central tasks undertaken for mail services by Postado, we contribute as a specialist for their growing and success. We do this with joy, because we like the idea of private mail services, we are pleased with their care, individuality, and personal commitment to customers.